Originally posted on Mastodon

Despite the addition of some new musical elements (to Hecker himself, at least), “No Highs” is still Very Comfortably a Tim Hecker Album and doesn’t develop those new elements as far as I would have liked.

Maybe it is daft of me to expect actual drama on an album called “No Highs,” but given what utter devastation I know Hecker is capable of, I just wish I could hear more of that.

The new musical elements are: an emphasis on rhythm – a saxophone front and center in some critical moments – and honest to goodness major chords! It’s not entirely minor and diminished!

Very cool and welcome additions, but Hecker barely exploits them. There are rhythmic elements, but it’s limited to minimal ostinati. The saxophone solo in “Monotony II” is sublime, and a vivid illustration of musicianship – but it’s too short. The major-key harmonies in “Winter Cop” are wonderful with Hecker’s sense of space and timbre, but it’s just a tiny vignette!

“Virgins” remains the apex of Hecker’s discography, in my opinion.