First Post

Posted by Charlotte Koch on Sun, Jun 18, 2023

Hey, world. Things are moving along, and my dream of owning a small business and being my own boss inches ever nearer.

On one hand – it’s just a domain name or two. A little website, whatever. Like, this whole website you’re on right now doesn’t actually have anything to do with the books themselves, if you think about it.

But on the other hand – it actually does. It is my goal to be taken seriously as an author, as a writer, as a business owner. I happen to know that a little website that looks good and has a valid HTTPS certificate are things that you gotta do in order to demonstrate legitimacy. And I happen to know how to do those things for real!

This introductory post is mostly just a confirmation that the web server works and the technology is sound. I promise to engage in More Interesting Content soon!